Inyaco Management Company

Solving Tomorrows Problems Today


We provide a range of restaurant consulting services to both Franchise or Non Franchise restaurant businesses.

Approach to Business Advisory and Support


Structured Business Review (Current State)

We first carry out a thorough analysis of the current performance of the business and compare its strategy, focus and operational performance with what we consider to be industry best practice. This often presents the business in a new light and is important as it brings in a fresh look at the business with objectivity from the outside in. This can immediately add new life and enthusiasm to the business and its owner or management team. It can also result in a clear way to take the business forward, and in stages that we feel are likely to be achieved with an acceptable level of risk. It also gives Inyaco Management the chance to get to know each business and its people, and more importantly for us to demonstrate exactly what we could help you achieve.

Growth Strategy and Action Plan (Future State)

Once you have a clear direction, you need an actionable plan. The right strategy must be matched to your Organisations’ Truth. What is the reason for your existence? Are you fulfilling your purpose and can you do more? What does operational excellence mean for your business? Our consultants will nurture clients through the process of realigning themselves to their reason for existence, and using this to develop their true vision, mission, and strategic and operational objectives. A Growth Action Plan is comprehensive but functional. It will set out exactly what will be done, by whom, when and at what cost. By combining best practice Strategic Management principles with other widely used modern day methodologies such as Lean Start-up, it is also structured so that you don't commit too much investment before you begin to see some results.


Ongoing Support (Implementation and Support)

To get the most out of both the Structured Business Review and the Revised Strategy, people often need ongoing help and involvement to make sure that it is implemented well. The implemented initiatives must also be properly and closely monitored. As part of our business services we often fill in some of the gaps in experience or expertise in the management team and/or act as a sounding board or coach for the business owner or management team. Sometimes this can develop into a non-executive director or Chairman role, with a focus on being much more hands on than the traditional non-executive roles.


Business Coaching and Mentoring

Our business coaching and mentoring will provide invaluable advice, help and support every step of the way to assist in growing clients’ businesses. We'll guide them through the process of managing change and empower them to face new challenges resulting from the need to restructure and streamline their organisation. Our team of experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience to advise clients on anything from Complex Strategic Management and Innovation through to Basic Business Administration such as Human Resource Management and Financial Accounting.